Leadership Development Resources2024-03-21T11:45:48-07:00

How generational differences impact workplace culture

A manager kept asking the vice president of her company for a promotion. The VP repeatedly asked her to define her new role. In turn, the manager asked her boss again and again to define his expectations for the role. Around and around they went. The Millennial manager felt it was the her boss’ responsibility to acknowledge her expanded responsibilities and provide feedback on how she was handling them and what she could do to move up. She wanted direction and clarity around expectations and a clear path to grow. The VP, who is from Generation X, never promoted the manager because he didn’t think she was ready based on her inability to communicate her role and draft a detailed job description. The story shows what can happen when generational differences between managers and employees cause communications breakdowns. As interns to senior executives gather together in conference rooms and on...

May 25, 2023|Leadership|
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